Our Values


1. Passion

Motivation gives us the impetus to take the first step. Consistency is the key to achieving our goals. We are dedicated and passionate about both our customers and our own team. We are prepared to go the extra mile to promote growth - not only for our customers, but also in our own company.

2. Achieving more together

Strong individuals make up our team. We believe that the synergies created through teamwork allow us to not only hit the target, but to go far beyond it. At our company, we know that teamwork is crucial to our success. Each team member contributes unique talents and skills that strengthen our community.

3. Continuous growth

For us, continuous personal and professional development is the lifeblood of the current and future success of the individual, the team and therefore the entire company. We promote the continuous and ongoing development of all our employees through tailored offers and individual career planning. We believe that the growth of uRemoTech is directly proportional to the growth of each of our employees.

4. Freedom and flexibility

Combining work with friends and family is the most important aspect of a modern world. We work a lot, we like to work. But besides work, there are many other things that are important in life. That’s why we have created a 100% remote working approach and flexible working hours so that you can combine work and private life. This is exactly how we create a completely different way of working and have the best team, regardless of the location of the individual employee.

5. personal responsibility & cooperative leadership

We want all our employees to actively participate in the development of the company by making their contribution conscientiously and responsibly. Our collaborative leadership style encourages individuals to make responsible strategic decisions for the benefit and progress of uRemoTech.